Monday, 24 November 2014

Grade 6 - La Francophonie

This video gives the flags and the names of the countries that belong to L'Organisation internationale de la Francophonie.

Grade 6 students have been assigned a country to research and present.  The parameters of the task will be discussed with the students during classtime.

This Wiki link gives a list of countries where French is an official or common language:

Grade 1 Arts - Chameleons

We are moving on to a chameleon theme to learn more about colour.  In the meantime, check out this Steve Irwin video on chameleons from YouTube:

Your child will be viewing it at school too.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Super Planet Crash

Below is a link to a website called "Super Planet Crash"  that allows you to make your own compact solar system.  The solar system should last at least 500 years with no planetary mishap.

Many children have played it at school.  Have fun!

Monday, 17 November 2014

Social Studies Websites and Links

The document below was published by the LKDSB Programs Department.  It provides links to various websites related to the Social Studies program.

Useful Websites for French Immersion
Social Studies, History and Geography

1.     TFO – Over 5000 free, French educational videos, applications and websites. Create a free user account to access all resources. Use the advance search features to select from grade, subject, theme, CEFR level, and language.
2.     Britannica – Encyclopedia Universalis and Britannica Junior Universalis (Links of French Portal)
These comprehensive online resources includes the following:
·        age-specific online encyclopedias with multiple reading level options
·        thousands of searchable magazine articles, journal articles and web sites
·        an integrated dictionary with 120,000 entries
·        guide to selected websites
·        90 000 images, videos, and audio clips
·        World Atlas with over 1400 maps
·        Canada in Focus area covering significant people, places, and history of Canada
·        Voice to text read-aloud for students to easily listen to articles (Junior Edition only)

3.     Britannica Image Quest - Teachers can quickly find images for lesson plans and classroom activities while students will turn to the site for homework assignments and project-based learning. Higher education faculty can trust Image Quest in course development, university publications, faculty research, student projects, and student Web pages and newspapers. (Links of French Portal)

4.     Britannica School – Although this encyclopedia may seem dedicated for English classrooms, most of the “middle” and “high” sections have articles that can be translated to French! You can also change the reading level! (Access on D2L Splash page)

An extensive French as a Second Language Pedagogical Resources Database. Refine your search by theme, subject, grade, level of difficulty and program.

6.     Ça bouge au Canada -
Les jeunes du monde entier apprécient le Canada pour l'immensité de son territoire, ses paysages plus grands que nature, ses richesses culturelles, ses activités sportives et ses festivals. 30 fiches pédagogiques !

7.     Office National du Film du Canada
Search through more than 2000 videos! Refine your search by subject, theme and big idea!

8.     Hier histoire et éducation en réseau
This collection of online archives, websites and databases of primary sources on significant topics in Canadian history is designed to help student-teachers, teachers, social studies educators and historians locate significant online collections of primary sources for a wide range of topics in Canadian history.

9.     Don’t forget about the links shared through Symbaloo! Most websites can be translated into French! Check out the Social Studies page on the portal!

Sunday, 26 October 2014

"Heritage Minutes" and Canadian Encyclopedia

Institut Historica-Dominion Institute is a repository of all things Canadian, including the well-known Heritage Minutes.

Heritage Minutes are a series of one-minute vignettes on important moments in Canadian history that most people have probably seen on TV.  Your family will enjoy viewing all of them at this site.

You can also access the Canadian Encyclopedia at this site.

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Translating words from English to French

Please do not run your child's entire project through the Google translator or any electronic translator.  It will "look and sound" translated.  Let your child's writing reflect his or her style and level of writing knowledge.

Translating individual words from English to French might be better.  In your browser's search bar, simply type "what is ____ in French".  You can simplify it further by just simply typing  "___ in French".

Also, it's never old-fashioned to use a paper dictionary.  This will hone your child's book sense.  Books will not be going anywhere soon.

Monday, 20 October 2014

Links related to Ancient Civilizations - Grade 4

Thematic Map:  Migration and Development of Early North and Central American Societies

Aztec, Maya, Inca:



The Pyramids at Teotihuacán (HD video):

Other Ancient Civilizations (this is a good site for ancient societies in the Old World):

(This site ignores early civilization in the Americas)

Iroquois Society before contact with Europe:

The Iroquois Confederacy (Haudenosaunee) – Good to read with your child (Reading Strategy:  "Finding Important Information" (by using subtitles / subheadings)

(Pronunciation of "Haudenosaunee" is "how-den-o-SHAW-nee")

Focus:  Role of Women in Haudenosaunee society:  Clans and Leadership

Wendat Society before contact with Europe:

 Searching Online:
  • Google
  • Google Earth
  • Google Streetview (for a tour of these ancient sites)
  • Google Images
Search Terms:
(You can add the search term "map" after the place names below.  Look for maps of ancient layout of city.)
  • Chichen Itza
  • Chchen Itza map
  • Teotihuacan
  • Tenochtitlan
  • Tikal
  • Machu Picchu
French Search Terms:
  • anciennes civilisations
  • civilisations anciennes

 YouTube is a great source for videos in French and English on early societies.

Printable Maps

Print off maps for projects and homework related to Social Studies.  Please follow the links below:

Thursday, 16 October 2014

"Captain Canuck"

Everyone's favourite Canadian superhero is back!  Click on the "Web Series" option on the website below and see new animated episodes of "Captain Canuck":

Monday, 13 October 2014

Reminder: Library times for Mmes Arbour and Millar

I will take Mme Arbour's class to the library on Mondays at 11:55 a.m.

I will take Mme Millar's class to the library on Wednesdays at 9:55 a.m.

  • All students in those classes should bring their library books back to school on library day.
  • Students may not normally take out new books if they haven't yet returned the books they borrowed in the previous week.  If they forgot their books, it's fine to bring them back for the following week.
  • If students haven't returned their books, they can still browse through the stacks.


If your child has lost a book, please inform me as soon as possible. and we will try to work around that.  If the lost book is suddenly found, please return it to school with your child as soon as you can.


On those days when the Library is not available, we will have story time in the classroom.


In keeping with the goals of the French Immersion program, students should borrow French-language books from the school library.


I encourage families to join the Chatham-Kent Public Library.  The Library is a free municipal service open to all residents of Chatham-Kent.  You will need proof of residence (something that shows your residential address).  The Children's Room at the Chatham Branch provides children with many activities and learning opportunities, plus a more ample collection of children's literature, fiction and non-fiction, English and French.

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Curriculum Documents

Here are links to the Ontario Curriculum Documents.  See what students will be learning throughout the year:

Social Studies:

The Arts:

Getting ready!

What a lovely fall day.  We had our first frost of the season this morning.  Spent most of the morning setting up this blog.  I think it works.

Saturday, 11 October 2014

It's Saturday morning, October 11th and this is my first post.  Brrrr... it's cold this morning.